David and Shannon chose to hold their wedding in Frisco at the Frisco Heritage Center. The wedding had charming and quaint atmosphere - a very welcoming feeling I can always appreciate.
Shannon's wedding and exit dresses hang next to each other in the fitting room:

Angie Williams laid out make-up palettes in preparation of Shannon and her bridesmaids:

One of the bridesmaids checks the back of her hairdo with the aid of two mirrors:

Shannon has a heart bracelet with a locket, which has been used in past generations for weddings, put on in the fitting room:

Lisa, Shannon's mother, smiles while helping Shannon get ready for her wedding day:

We brought David over from the church next door for a side by side shot. I smile when I get the opportunity of taking this type of image since they can't see each other until the wedding:

Shannon takes a peek outside the house while guests arrive:

Finally, it's show time! Everyone is at the church, music is playing, and Shannon enters. All rise, and David is all smiles:

Soon, as fast as time flies, the ceremony nears the end - without a hiccup. David and Shannon pour salt during the salt covenant ceremony:

As they make their way down the aisle, with their backs kissed by the sun, they catch smiles and cameras:

The two make a re-entrance to the church for post-ceremony formal portraits:

The Frisco Railroad Depot reception setup was very elegant, and definitely inviting:

The newly wed meet and greet at each guest table in the depot:

When it came to speeches, they were short, sweet, and sincere (how's that for alliteration?):

Their wedding cake, dropped off by Cake Kreations, was sliced and served:

One of the guests works her penmanship by signing a framed easel they had in the front:

After photographing numerous bouquet and garter tosses, I tend to predict that couples toss them in nearly the same spot. Whether it's a secret collaboration between the two or just pure coincidence, I at least have photographic evidence to substantiate my claims:

A detailed image of all the detailed imagery:

A before we all knew it, their special day has come to an end! The guests sent them off with seeds, shouts, and applause:

Rasy Ran Photography