
About Me

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I am a freelance photographer located in Dallas, TX. I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography from the University of Texas at Arlington, and I am available for weddings, portraiture and event work. You can view more samples of my work by visiting my website.


Rasy + Rochelle - Wedding Photo Booth

Take a look at the photo booth pictures from my wedding on the 14th, just click the image below:


The Wright Family - 2012

A new year, another annual session of the Wright family. I've photographed their son, Emory, when he was one, and then two, and now at three. When you photograph adults, you don't see the drastic change compared to kids, which is very noticeable.

The family moved to Colorado, but are currently in town for two weddings (one being mine, post about that coming in the future!). We started at the Frisco Heritage Center, which I last photographed at for David and Shannon's wedding, and then moved to the front of the Frisco Public Library.

I started the three of them against a wooden wall:

Then moved in closer for a few of Emory looking like a farmer here:

Next, I sat them in front of a small fence:

We moved over to the church and continued there. Here's one of Emory and Blake:

A big part of the Heritage Center are the trains, and the depot, so that's what we used that for most of the second half.

In front of the depot:

Just Emory on a cart:

We walked over to one of the train cars, and had Emory lifted to see if there was anything inside:

The last bit was moving to the Frisco Public Library, which is about a minute away. We used the fountains and the sculpture installations as our backdrop:

A candid of Emory being silly during a small break:

And I'll end it with his tree-climbing skills, while giving a GQ-inspired pose nonetheless:

Thank you guys so much, it's always a pleasure to see y'all!