While on the same interstate, but across the border, we encountered a lost and lonely beagle. We pulled over promptly and dialed 911 to report the dog so they could contact animal services and save him:

A bit later, we start to catch a glimpse of the mountain ranges with the strong overcast clouds to provide a nice contrast:

Finally, we reached grandma's new house in Taos. I started to play around with the black and white settings in the camera since I normally convert in Photoshop:

Rochelle snapped this picture of the evasive Sydney while Bryan, Rochelle's cousin, and I were at The Alley Cantina in the plaza:

I'll leave this post with a tight view of what's hanging in the backyard. One of numerous birdfeeders and other creature comforts (and you wonder where Rochelle gets it from):

Rasy Ran Photography
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